Spanish Fort
Travel Date: June 2004
Intriguing Piece of Mississippi History
The museum curator, Chris Maskew, is there to answer any questions and he is
familiar with a huge amount of local and state historical facts. The
museum has hundreds of artifacts and displays representing the Gulf Coast
Contrary to the false rumor that the museum houses the world's
largest shrimp, there is a huge prawn on display in a jar.

There are so
many wonderful items in this museum -- from the Magnolia Flag to an iron baby
coffin. The museum has admission fees of $4 for adults and $2 for children
6 and older. Children under six are admitted free if accompanied by an
adult. School groups get a special rate of $1 per student and no
admission fee for teachers and chaperones. Donations are
welcome also; therefore, if you are able to do so, this is an excellent
opportunity to give back.
The La Pointe-Krebs House, which was once known as the Old Spanish Fort,
actually is not a fort nor is it Spanish. The house is on the museum
grounds and consists of three rooms, each with its own fireplace -- the large
room actually has two fireplaces. The floors of the house are solid and
sturdy. A porch extends around three sides of the house.

The house is open to the public.
Terry Copeland admiring tree behind the La Pointe-Krebs House
There is much more to see at the Old Spanish Fort Museum than what is shown
on this page. To fully appreciate the rich history captured here, you must
visit this place in person. The small admission fee helps to maintain the
place and will be well-spent.
contact information for the fort is:
La Pointe-Krebs House & Old Spanish Fort Museum
4602 Fort Street
Pascagoula, MS 39567
228-769-1505 / 228-769-1432 (FAX)
email: oldspanishfort@netscape.net